Does Oncology Do Surgery? An Expert's Perspective

Surgical oncology is an important branch of oncology that focuses on the surgical treatment of tumors, especially cancerous ones. Learn more about this field from an expert's perspective.

Does Oncology Do Surgery? An Expert's Perspective

Cancer is a complex and serious disease that requires a multidisciplinary approach to treatment. Surgical oncology is one of the main branches of oncology, and it focuses on the surgical treatment of tumors, especially cancerous ones. Surgical oncologists are highly trained surgeons who specialize in treating cancer through surgery, biopsies, and other procedures. At the Division of Surgical Oncology, we are committed to providing comprehensive care for our patients.

Our surgeons are experienced in using the latest robotic and minimally invasive techniques to perform precise operations with small incisions, leading to faster recovery times and fewer scars. After a biopsy, the surgical oncologist will send tissue samples to a pathologist to check for cancer cells. In open surgery, the surgical oncologist will make a large incision to remove all or part of the tumor and some of the surrounding healthy tissue (margins). The surgical oncologist may also choose to perform staging surgery to determine the size of the tumor and if the cancer has spread. At UPMC Liver Tumor Program, our surgical oncologists have extensive experience in many techniques to treat liver cancer.

We also work with other members of the medical team, including nutritionists, rehabilitation therapists, and naturopathic providers, to anticipate and manage side effects of surgery. The Johns Hopkins Surgical Oncology program is an ACGME-approved two-year post-residency fellowship that provides a higher level education for aspiring surgical oncologists. As surgical oncologists, we must be knowledgeable about the disease, natural history, chemotherapy, radiation, and other modalities in the treatment of cancer. In conclusion, surgical oncology is an important branch of oncology that focuses on the surgical treatment of tumors, especially cancerous ones.

Our team at UPMC Liver Tumor Program is committed to providing comprehensive care for our patients using cutting-edge treatments and techniques.

Bettie Duford
Bettie Duford

Typical twitter expert. Typical tv nerd. Hipster-friendly social media ninja. Freelance coffee fan. Amateur travel geek. Friendly sushi junkie.